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Temporary Works changes

Published Jan 15, 2025

The temporary works British Standard has been revised. BS 5975:2019 the procedural control of temporary works and the permissible stress design of falsework has been split into two parts.

The British Standards Institute recognised that most people who accessed BS 5975 only required section 2, the procedural control of temporary works, therefore to save money they have split the standard.

From 17 December 2024 the two standards related to temporary works are BS 5975-1:2024 Management procedures for the control of temporary works - Code of practice and BS 5975-2:2024 Falsework: Design and implementation - Code of practice.

People who are not undertaking temporary works design only need to use BS5975-1:2024. BS5975-1:2024 is very similar to Sections 1 and 2 of the withdrawn British Standard, there have however been many changes to the old Section 3, now BS5975-2:2024. The main change to BS5975-1:2024 has been the amalgamation of Clauses 2 and 3 which has resulted in all subsequent clauses being one number less in BS5975-1:2024 that they were in BS5975:2019.

If you have not completed the appropriate CITB accredited temporary works course; Temporary Works Coordinator or Temporary Works Supervisor, please see our dates, locations and book here: Find A Course - SSG Training & Consultancy.